
Human capital is one of the key capitals of PKP CARGO Group. All Group companies are stable and reliable employers who responsibly create safe and friendly workplaces.

Decent and transparent employment conditions and safety of life and health at work are a prerequisite. It is also about constructive cooperation with the social side and the ability to find compromises. In effect, it is stability, predictability. It is also an opportunity to organically build and protect strategic competences, crucial from the point of view of the PKP CARGO Group’s transformation. It will not be possible to maintain the leading position in freight in the “Tri-City” area and on the New Silk Road routes within the EU, without the participation and commitment of employees. Also, the optimisation of the carbon footprint and the effective identification of possible savings depend to a large extent on the proactive attitude of employees. Maintaining full operational efficiency requires, among other things, ensuring continuity of employment, despite the natural turnover of employees, effectively recruiting them in a demanding labour market and implementing training programmes to educate railway staff. It is also a necessity to maintain a safe working environment and constructive dialogue with the social side.


Employee health and safety

The area of occupational health and safety is part of the Integrated Management System operating at PKP CARGO Group. Actions for good and safe working conditions include organising workplaces in line with ergonomic principles, ensuring measurements of the working environment (dust, vibrations, noise, lighting), ensuring inspections of air conditioning, ventilation, electrical and fire installations or providing medical and sports packages. In addition, in the Group, depending on the scope of their duties, employees are provided with preventive meals in the form of meal vouchers on the days they carry out specific work, as well as personal protective equipment, work clothing and footwear and cleaning products.

Health and safety measures

Elimination of H&S risks

In order to eliminate occupational health and safety risks at PKP CARGO Group, the following are carried out:

  • ongoing inspections of the OHS status,
  • cyclical meetings of the OHS Committee with representatives of all trade unions,
  • permanent identification and analysis of potential accidents,
    constant supervision over the actuality of places of potential accidents at work,
    conducting quarterly analyses of accidents that have occurred.

Reporting of irregularities

In accordance with the health and safety provisions of the Labour Code, employees are obliged to report irregularities, which is an employee’s basic duty under the Labour Code to comply with health and safety rules.

If irregularities occur on the railway infrastructure, employees can report them via the email box It is also possible to report hazards and near misses through a form on the Health and Safety website on the intranet. Employees have the right to refrain from work in a dangerous or hazardous situation. Any such situation should be reported to a supervisor.

OHS training

PKP CARGO Group carries out occupational health and safety training resulting from the employer’s obligation as well as training beyond the programme:

  • initial training (general + position instruction),
  • periodical trainings (resulting from the time period related to the type of work performed),
  • training for persons designated to provide first aid, fire-fighting and evacuation of employees (conducted periodically in such a way as to ensure the proper functioning of the fire-fighting and first aid system).

In addition, on behalf of rail traffic safety, periodic briefings are carried out by supervisors in the Group.

Support and charitable activities





As part of the CSR project, PKP CARGO INTERNATIONAL HELPS! the PKP CARGO INTERNATIONAL Group supports activities, projects, events, non-profit organisations, individuals and socially beneficial activities that have an impact in all the regions in which it operates.

Through the PKP CARGO INTERNATIONAL HELPS! CSR project, the Group helps wherever it is needed. Every year, employees organise fundraising for colleagues and their close family members in difficult life situations, charity clothing collections are organised, and on Children’s Day employees regularly cheer up children in hospitals and orphanages. At the same time, employees participate together in various charity projects and activities.

The PKP CARGO INTERNATIONAL Group also supports non-profit activities of its employees that benefit society through the PKP CARGO INTERNATIONAL WE ARE sponsorship programme. The support focuses mainly on helping children, but also people with disabilities or the elderly, maintenance and restoration of cultural monuments (especially those related to railways), environmental protection and animal care, volunteer fire brigades, as well as sports and cultural events.

The PKP CARGO INTERNATIONAL KNOW charity bazaars, which are held annually at the company’s headquarters, are an extraordinary demonstration of collegiality and solidarity. Bazaars are always held in the run-up to Christmas and Easter, where employees can buy the products of their colleagues. All proceeds from the sales, together with a financial donation from PKP CARGO INTERNATIONAL, then go to charitable causes.

Each year, the project helps in the following areas:

  • Employee fundraising to help colleagues and their families
  • Financial assistance to employees
  • Financial assistance to foundations and individuals
  • Employee visits to children’s homes and participation in various charitable events
  • Charity collections of items, clothing, etc.
  • Sponsorship programme PKP CARGO INTERNATIONAL WE ARE

Contact for support, sponsorship (advertising partnership), charity and CSR
